The Mercury sThe conjunction between Mercury and Pluto in transit is a profound aspect that invites deep introspection and transformative communication. This configuration intensifies the mental processes, promoting penetrating insights and psychological understanding. Expect conversations and thoughts to delve into normally taboo or hidden topics, unveiling secrets or things kept under wraps. It's a period when your communication has the power to influence and transform, either by revealing truths or by exposing underlying motives—both in yourself and others.
Mercury, the planet of communication, meeting Pluto, the planet of transformation, means that your words can be particularly powerful and potentially manipulative. It's a good time for research, investigation, and getting to the heart of any matter. The influence of this transit can lead you to become obsessed with a particular idea or project, especially one that involves uncovering something hidden.extile Pluto transit is a powerful aspect that encourages deep thinking and penetrative conversations. This transit brings your mental faculties to the fore, pushing you to probe beneath the surface and discover hidden truths. It's a time when your communication becomes particularly effective if you're dealing with investigations, research, or uncovering secrets. You might find yourself drawn to mysteries or intrigued by the psychological motives of others, including your own.
The energy of Pluto intensifies your thoughts and words, making this an excellent period for persuasive speech, negotiations, and influencing others. Despite the intensity, the supportive sextile aspect ensures that this power is not overwhelming but rather constructive and transformative. You're likely to experience breakthroughs in your thinking patterns, leading to powerful insights and a deeper understanding of complex matters.
what to do
Use this time for deep research and investigation.
Engage in honest, transformative conversations.
Reflect on your own psychological processes.
Write down thoughts and revelations that come to you during this period.
Be mindful of the power of your words—use them wisely.
what to avoid
Obsessing over thoughts or conspiracies.
Manipulative or coercive communication.
Overlooking the impact your words have on others.
Ignoring the feelings and perspectives of others in discussions.
Suppressing important conversations out of fear.
Typical psychological issues:
Anxiety due to overwhelming truths or secrets surfacing.
Paranoia or suspicion in communications.
Obsessive thinking or compulsive behavior related to a particular thought or idea.
Type of work supporting personal development:
Therapeutic: Engage in psychotherapy and shadow work to explore deep-seated thoughts and behaviors. Consider trauma release sessions to deal with any deep psychological issues that surface during this transit.
Mental: Utilize techniques like NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and coaching to rebuild and reprogram your mental narratives. Learn to control and be aware of your own thoughts through meditation and developing an observer of your thoughts. Practice making conscious choices about your interpretations of events and feelings.
Meditation type for this time:
Mantra/Affirmation Meditation: Use the mantras "HAM" (throat chakra) and "LAM" (root chakra) to help reprogram your mind and align your narrative with your true intentions.
Pranayama Meditation: Focus on breathing techniques that help release difficult emotions and increase oxygenation in the body, aiding physical and emotional detoxification.
Throat Chakra (HAM): Enhances communication and self-expression, vital for processing and verbalizing hidden truths that this transit might unveil.
Root Chakra (LAM): Strengthens your sense of grounding and stability amidst the transformative energies of this transit.
Solfeggio Frequencies:
396Hz: Helps liberate guilt and fear to create a strong foundation for transformation.
285Hz: Influences energy fields, helping to heal tissues and bring them into harmony.
174Hz: Acts as a natural anesthetic to relieve pain physically and energetically.
741Hz: Cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations, promoting a healthier mental state.
Yoga Poses:
Focus on poses that open the throat and stabilize the root chakra:
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Simhasana (Lion Pose)
Halasana (Plow Pose)
Marjariasana and Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
Malasana (Garland Pose)
Dandasana (Staff Pose)
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II)
Apanasana (Knee to Chest Pose)
Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)
Ayurveda for Mercury:
Include fenugreek, lavender, orange, marjoram, dill, licorice, ginkgo biloba, brahmi, green coffee, lion's mane, mulberry, parsnip, parsley, pomegranate, rosemary, rhodiola rosea, sassafras, tulsi, turmeric, valerian, and others to enhance Mercury’s qualities of communication and mental agility.
Ayurveda for Pluto:
Utilize sandalwood, milk thistle, gotu kola, and brahmi to support Pluto’s transformative and healing energies.

"I embrace the truth, however deep it lies, and use it to transform."
"My words are powerful tools for growth and healing."
"I seek understanding and depth in all my communications."
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