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(Transit) Neptune square Pluto / Pluto square Neptune

The Tug of Transformational Tides


3 years.

How often:

Two times in 490 years.

If the transit could speak:

"In the dance of the deep, every step forward reflects the shadows of the past."

Personal development PDF for this transit:


Neptune square Pluto is a rare generational aspect, given the slow orbits of these outer planets. This aspect nudges humanity to reconcile profound spiritual truths and deep-seated transformational forces. On a personal level, you may experience a compelling urge to dissolve old patterns, especially those related to power, control, and hidden agendas. Neptune's mystical veil softens the intensity of Pluto, yet this softening is where the challenge lies—as clarity can be obscured and motives misunderstood.

This aspect often manifests as a feeling of being lost at sea, where the familiar shores of your life are no longer visible, and you must navigate by stars you don't fully understand. It's a call to spiritualize the power you wield and to recognize the undercurrents of psychic and collective energies that influence your path. During this time, issues related to trust, surrender, and acceptance of deeper transformative processes are highlighted, pushing you to relinquish control and allow a higher wisdom to guide you.

what to do

  • Embrace introspection to uncover hidden aspects of yourself.

  • Engage in spiritual practices that connect you to a higher power.

  • Reflect on where you feel powerless and consider new perspectives.

  • Use creative outlets like art or music to express and process deep emotions.

  • Seek guidance from spiritual or psychological counselors to navigate this period.

what to avoid

  • Avoid manipulative or controlling behaviors in relationships.

  • Steer clear of escapism through substances or excessive fantasy.

  • Resist the temptation to make abrupt life changes without deep reflection.

  • Do not ignore the emotional and psychological signals your body gives you.

  • Avoid clinging too tightly to outdated beliefs or systems that no longer serve you.

  • Dealing with feelings of powerlessness and existential dread.

  • Struggling with deep-seated fears of betrayal or manipulation.

  • Navigating intense dreams or disturbances in sleep patterns.

Type of work supporting personal development:

  • Empathy Work: Engage in practices that enhance empathy such as forgiving past grievances, letting go of grudges, and practicing acceptance and compassion toward both yourself and others.

  • Dream Work: Maintain a dream journal to record and analyze dreams, which can be particularly vivid and revealing during this transit. Consider working with a therapist or a guide skilled in dream interpretation.

  • Therapeutic Practices: Incorporate techniques like Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), psychotherapy, shadow work, and trauma release exercises to navigate the deep emotional and psychological waters stirred by this transit.

  • Relationship Work: Focus on developing deeper intimacy and unconditional love through practices like tantra, couples’ therapy, and open, honest communication to build trust and closeness.

  • Transformational Work: Engage in alchemical, shamanic, or magical activities to harness the transformative energy of this time. These practices can facilitate personal growth and profound changes in your life's direction.


  • Third Eye (Ajna): Enhances intuition and inner wisdom, crucial for navigating the changes and deeper understanding brought by this transit.

  • Sacral (Svadhishthana): Supports emotional resilience and the healthy processing of sexual and creative energies.

Solfeggio Frequencies:

  • 852Hz - Awakens intuition and returns your vibration to spiritual order.

  • 417Hz - Facilitates change and helps undo situations with transformative effects.

  • 174Hz - Provides a natural anesthetic effect, helping to remove pain physically and energetically.

  • 285Hz - Influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs and tissues.

Type of Meditation:

  • Pranayama Meditation: This form of breathing meditation will help release difficult emotions and increase oxygenation in the physical body, which is essential for maintaining energy levels and managing stress during transformative periods.


  • OM: Chanting 'OM' will help align your energy and bring peace and clarity to the mind.

  • LAM: This is the seed mantra for the root chakra, which helps ground and stabilize your energy during times of change.

Yoga Poses:

  • Foundation and Grounding Poses: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Vajrasana (Diamond Pose), Malasana (Garland Pose), Dandasana (Staff Pose).

  • Release and Opening Poses: Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Anuvittasana (Standing Backbend), Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose), Utthita Balasana (Extended Child's Pose).

  • Strength and Stability Poses: Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II), Apanasana (Knee to Chest Pose).

Ayurveda for Neptune:

  • Use herbs like sage, lavender, lotus, lilies, mugwort, African dream root, and valerian to enhance the dreamy and spiritual qualities of Neptune. Consider exploring the deeper subconscious mind with ayahuasca or psilocybin mushrooms under guided supervision, if appropriate and legal in your location.

Ayurveda for Pluto:

  • Incorporate sandalwood, milk thistle, gotu kola, and brahmi into your regimen to support detoxification, mental clarity, and the regeneration of physical and emotional bodies.



  • "I trust the transformative process and surrender to the flow of universal wisdom."

  • "I am open to the truth of my soul's journey and embrace my power with humility."

  • "Every step in my transformation is guided by love and higher spiritual insights."

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