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(Transit) Saturn sextile Neptune / Neptune sextile Saturn

The Harmony of Dreams and Reality


4 months - 1 year

How often:

Two times in 36 years.

If the transit could speak:

"Where your dreams become the blueprints of your reality."

Personal development PDF for this transit:


Saturn sextile Neptune is a rare transit that offers a harmonious blend of structure and spirituality. This aspect occurs when Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, forms a sextile with Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and mysticism. This alignment helps materialize your dreams by giving them a solid foundation. It’s a period where the ethereal meets the practical, allowing for the manifestation of ideals in tangible forms. You may find yourself more inclined to integrate spirituality into your daily routine or apply hard work towards a long-held dream. It’s a time for turning visions into reality, as the barriers between what is possible and impossible seem to blur, making it easier to work constructively towards goals that previously seemed out of reach.

what to do

  • Set realistic goals for creative or spiritual projects.

  • Practice meditation or mindfulness to blend spiritual insights with daily routines.

  • Apply discipline to artistic or humanitarian pursuits.

  • Seek practical ways to implement your ideals.

  • Consult with mentors or guides who can provide practical advice on your spiritual path.

what to avoid

  • Neglecting day-to-day responsibilities while pursuing dreams.

  • Over-idealizing without taking actionable steps.

  • Ignoring intuitive insights in business or personal projects.

  • Dismissing practical advice from experienced individuals.

  • Becoming rigid in your approach to spiritual growth.

The energy flows harmoniously – no psychological issues.

Type of work supporting personal development:

  • Mentoring: Engage in consultations with gurus, spiritual teachers, or artists who can provide guidance based on their wisdom and experience.

  • Karma Work: Focus on releasing conditioning from past incarnations and clearing astral karma to free yourself from old cycles.

  • Psychic Work: Build a reasonable approach to life by sifting out illusions and learning to distinguish what is real.

  • Working with Imagination: Take responsibility for your own ideas and consciously create them.

  • Working with Dreams: Regularly record and analyze your dreams to understand your subconscious messages.

  • Working with Intuition: Develop your intuition by trusting and acting on your gut feelings.

  • Isolation Work: Spend time in silence, darkness, and solitude to deepen your inner understanding and peace.


  • Focus on balancing the Root Chakra (LAM) to enhance grounding and stability.

  • Work on the Third Eye Chakra (OM) to improve intuition and psychic abilities.

Solfeggio Frequencies:

  • 852Hz for awakening intuition and returning to spiritual order.

  • 396Hz for liberating guilt and fear, and grounding.

Type of Meditation:

  • Grounding Meditation: This practice involves visualizing roots extending from your body deep into the earth, enhancing connection with nature and calming the mind.

  • Manifestation Meditation: Spend 15 minutes visualizing your goals while maintaining positive emotions through willpower. This helps to manifest your aspirations into reality.


  • Chant the mantra LAM to stimulate the root chakra, promoting security and stability.

  • Use the mantra OM to activate the third eye chakra, enhancing insight and spiritual connection.

Yoga Postures:

  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Vajrasana (Diamond Pose), Malasana (Garland Pose), Dandasana (Staff Pose), Tadasana (Mountain Pose) for grounding and stability.

  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose), Apanasana (Knees-to-Chest Pose), Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose) for flexibility and mental focus.

  • Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Anuvittasana (Standing Backbend), Utthita Balasana (Extended Child’s Pose) to enhance spiritual connection and introspection.


  • For Saturn: Include guggal, dates, cannabis, quince, almonds, haritaki, milk thistle, gotu kola, henbane, horsetail, St. John’s wort, and comfrey in your diet or as supplements to support Saturn’s influence on discipline and spiritual growth.

  • For Neptune: Use sage, lavender, lotus, lilies, mugwort, African dream root, ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, poppy, and valerian to enhance Neptune’s influence on intuition, dreams, and spiritual insights.



  • "I am capable of manifesting my dreams with clarity and discipline."

  • "Each step I take is grounded in reality and inspired by my true spiritual essence."

  • "I effortlessly combine structure with intuition to create a balanced life."

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