(Transit) Venus sextile Mars / Mars sextile Venus
A Dance of Harmony and Desire
4 days.
How often:
At least 2 times a year.
If the transit could speak:
"If harmony were a symphony, then our current alignment would be its most beautiful melody, playing softly in the background of our everyday lives."
Personal development PDF for this transit:

Venus sextile Mars is a delightful astrological aspect that brings a touch of grace and ease to our interactions and endeavors. In this transit, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and values, forms a supportive sextile with Mars, the planet of action, desire, and initiative. This harmonious connection promotes a balanced flow of feminine and masculine energies, enhancing our ability to attract and pursue what pleases us most.
During this period, you might find that relationships feel more fluid and cooperative. There's a magnetic pull that brings people together, not just romantically, but also in platonic and professional spheres. It’s an excellent time for collaborative projects as mutual understanding and respect flow freely. The energy of this transit is like a gentle hand guiding us towards taking actions that are aligned with our desires, encouraging a blend of assertiveness and receptivity.
The essence of Venus sextile Mars is about finding equilibrium between giving and receiving, acting and reflecting. It nurtures an environment where passion can be expressed healthily and creatively. Whether it’s embarking on a new romance, engaging in creative activities, or negotiating successful deals, this transit provides the charm and drive needed to succeed.
what to do
Engage in activities that blend creativity with action, like dance or sculpture.
Express affection openly and pursue relationships that feel mutually enriching.
Initiate discussions about collaborations that can benefit both parties.
Take proactive steps in personal or professional relationships to harmonize dynamics.
Utilize this time to balance your personal desires with the needs of those around you.
what to avoid
Neglecting to act on the harmonious energies available, thus missing opportunities for connection.
Overcompensating in either passivity or aggression.
Ignoring relationship issues that may benefit from gentle discussion and resolution.
Postponing artistic or creative pursuits.
Forgetting to balance your own needs with those of others in your pursuit of goals.
The energy flows harmoniously – no psychological issues.
Type of work supporting personal development for Venus Conjunct Mars transit:
Heart-centered work: Focus on opening the heart to both give and receive love, cultivating self-love, and fostering love for others.
Pleasure work: Engage in activities that allow you to explore and harmonize sensory pleasures.
Emotional work: Develop skills for expressing feelings openly and trusting your heart's guidance.
Yin and Yang balancing: Integrate and balance the feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang) energies within you.
Desire work: Explore aspects of sexual pleasure in relationships through practices like tantra or mindful celibacy.
Anger expression in relationships: Learn techniques for constructive and directed expression of anger.
Learning balance: Practice finding equilibrium between assertiveness and submission in interpersonal dynamics.
Chakras: Focus on the Heart (Anahata) and Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakras.
Solfeggio Frequencies:
639Hz for fostering connections and relationships, enhancing communication, love, and understanding.
528Hz for transformation and miracles, promoting healing and DNA repair.
Type of Meditation:
Meta Meditation: Involve practices centered around love, forgiveness, and releasing anger, which helps heal relationship wounds.
Dynamic Meditation: Use spontaneous movement and dance to express and release emotional and physical energies.
YAM (यं) for the Heart Chakra to open up to love and compassion.
RAM (रं) for the Solar Plexus Chakra to increase self-esteem and personal power.
Yoga Postures: Include anuvittasana (standing backbend), natarajasana (dancer's pose), ardha matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes), bhujangasana (cobra pose), ustrasana (camel pose), urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow or wheel pose), dhanurasana (bow pose), purvottasana (upward plank), salabhasana (locust pose), anjaneyasana (crescent moon), utthita trikonasana (extended triangle), apanasana (knee to chest), adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog), paripurna navasana (boat pose), kumbhakasana (plank pose). These poses help to activate and balance the involved chakras and energies.
Ayurveda for Venus: Include foods and herbs like amalaki, neem, horsetail, mango, strawberries, raspberries, lotus, bobinsana, bergamot, rose, camu camu, mangosteen, geranium, orchid, ylang ylang, and essential oils to enhance the qualities of Venus such as love, beauty, and harmony.
Ayurveda for Mars: Incorporate basil, garlic, mustard, camphor, currant, ashwagandha, chaga, milk thistle, coffee, guarana, maca, matcha, ash, ephedra, ginkgo biloba, and lion's mane to bolster Mars qualities such as energy, courage, and action.

"I attract and manifest relationships that are in perfect harmony with my soul."
"Every action I take is infused with love and passion, bringing desired results effortlessly."
"I balance my energy beautifully, embracing both giving and receiving in all aspects of life."
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